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From The Depths in the Media.


A collection of articles from accross the web about From The Depths and what we do to connect with the past to build the future. 

Aging Poles who rescued Jews during the Holocaust are at risk from the coronavirus. So this Jewish group is delivering food to them

March 19, 2020

Wyjątkowy dancing z polskimi bohaterami

11th April 2016

Podczas drugiej wojny światowej ryzykowali życiem swoim i swojej rodziny, by pomóc ocalić Żydów. O kim mowa? O Sprawiedliwych wśród Narodów Świata. Niedawno odbyło się ich wyjątkowe spotkanie. Zjawił się na nim dziennikarz Dzień Dobry TVN Marcin Sawicki, by przypomnieć nam o polskich bohaterach, których została niestety garstka.....

Potomkowie uratowanych przez Polaków Żydów walczą o dobre imię Polski

11th April 2016

Polacy ratowali Żydów. Dziś potomkowie uratowanych walczą o dobre imię Polski.


Polskę i Izrael łączy coś więcej niż tylko tragiczna historia – fatalny PR. Oba kraje mogą pochwalić się niepowtarzalnym sukcesem gospodarczym, skokiem cywilizacyjnym i tym wszystkim, co obywatele dwóch państw mają do zaoferowania światu. Wszystko to nie przekłada się na postrzeganie naszych narodów w świecie. I może przyznanie wyróżnień im. Antoniny i Jana Żabińskich dla Polaków, którzy ratowali Żydów w czasie II wojny światowej, jest dziwną okazją, ale pozwala pokazać, jak wieloma mitami i przekłamaniami obrósł wizerunek Polski. Dlatego na te wyróżnienia powinniśmy dziś spojrzeć szerzej....

Poles honoured for helping Jews in WW II

9th April 2016

Several Poles have received awards for helping Jews during World War II from an international organisation that aims to preserve the memory of the Holocaust.


The organisation, called From the Depths, named the awards after Antonina and Jan Zabinski, a Polish couple who helped Jews in Nazi-occupied Poland during World War II.


The awards were presented in the Warsaw zoo, where the Zabinskis hid Jews during the war when Poland was under German occupation.


The awards went to Poles who helped save Jews from the Holocaust but have not been honoured by Israel’s Yad Vashem institute in Jerusalem. Those honored included the son of a Polish man whose father hid Jews in his cellar, another man whose parents helped Jews hiding in the Warsaw zoo, and a Polish woman who saved a Jewish baby thrown out the window of a train bound for Auschwitz.


The awards were presented by the founder of the From the Depths foundation and the originator of the award, Jonny Daniels.


During the award ceremony, Polish presidential aide Andrzej Dera read out a letter from President Andrzej Duda. "I find it extremely important that we, contemporary Poles and Jews, Europeans and Americans, and finally people of good will throughout the world, should remember these great heroes of Poland and of all humanity," the president wrote in the letter. He also wrote he hoped the award would help "further restore the memory of Poles who saved Jews" during the war.


The ceremony attracted a host of Polish and foreign officials, including the Israeli ambassador to Poland, Anna Azari, and Sir Eric Pickles, the British government’s envoy on post-Holocaust issues. (PAP)


After 75 years, ruined Torah scroll found under couch in Poland

September 3, 2014

Shepherd family was entrusted with scroll before Jewish neighbors’ deportation to Treblinka; used parchment as shoe insoles.


A ruined, hidden Torah scroll entrusted to Polish shepherds by their Orthodox Jewish neighbors before deportation to Treblinka has finally come home to Israel.


The severely damaged scroll was found by Polish students volunteering for Jewish organization From the Depths on its “Matzeva Project” which recovers Jewish gravestones that were repurposed during or after World War 2. 

Jewish bones in Sobibor to be buried 70 years later

August 29, 2014

After 70 years during which  the bones of Jews murdered by Nazis were scattered on the site of the Sobibor death camp, the Israeli NGO From the Depths has arranged for them to be buried according to Jewish law, in a high-profile ceremony to take place next month.

Jonny Daniels, a political consultant and founder and executive director of From The Depths, an organization working to preserve Jewish sites in Poland, recounted to The Jerusalem Post the horror he felt visiting Sobibor, when his guide told him that the small white “rocks” on the ground were, in fact, pieces of human bone.

Zara offers striped Star of David shirt

August 27, 2014

From the Depths, a nonprofit that works to preserve unmarked graves and repurposed gravestones of Jews killed in Poland, posted a condemnation of the chain on Twitter and sent the company a strongly worded letter and subsequently spoke to the management by phone.


In the phone conversation, From the Depths head Jonny Daniels was promised that sale of the shirt would end immediately.

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